Wednesday, January 28, 2009

winter linden tree

winter linden tree, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

snow on branches

snow on branches, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Gentle winter snowfall has settled on each branch.

early winter light

early winter light, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

As I was taking this shot, a Kingfisher fly overhead and around me. I didn't have my telephoto lens. :-(

Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Winter

First Winter, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Quote: A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself...for it is from the soil, both from its depth and from its surface, that a river has its beginning.
-Laura Gilpin (1891-1979)

geese on the winter pond

geese on the winter pond, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Small neighborhood pond, frozen, Long Island, NY

red winter berries

red winter berries, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Winter on the Powell Farm

Winter on the Powell Farm, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Old Bethpage Village Restoration
Long Island, NY

parking by the bay

parking by the bay, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Bayport Beach, Long Island and the Great South Bay

Morton Preserve

shadow trail, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Morton Preserve

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Posted, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

La Salle Bridge

La Salle Bridge, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Once the estate of Frederick Gilbert Bourne, of the Singer sewing machine company, then La Salle Military Academy, this is now the grounds of St. John's University, Oakdale.

winter fragmities

fisheye fragmities, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Winter on Long Island

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sunrise, The New Year 2009

just past sunrise, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

Montauk Point Lighthouse

montauk light 1, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

This photo was donated to the "2 day Long Island Cancer Walk"

It was used as a background for their program of events. The lighthouse is their symbol of hope.

Snowy Fire Island

Snowy Fire Island, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.

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